Nike Diamond
Visual Identity
Brand Campaign
Motion Direction
Nike Diamond, facing a cultural shift in baseball, sought to inject new energy into the legendary sport by engaging with youth and reshaping its cultural narrative. The aim was to attract and inspire a diverse, younger generation, infusing the game with a fresh attitude. We designed an extensive brand system centered around "Doin' damage," symbolizing the impact of youth in revitalizing the iconic sport.

I had the lead design role which included creative concept, lockups, developing the design system, creating expressive typography and directing the motion design.
w/ SantosDilone
Nike Diamond
Visual Identity
Brand Campaign
Motion Direction
Nike Diamond, facing a cultural shift in baseball, sought to inject new energy into the legendary sport by engaging with youth and reshaping its cultural narrative. The aim was to attract and inspire a diverse, younger generation, infusing the game with a fresh attitude. We designed an extensive brand system centered around "Doin' damage," symbolizing the impact of youth in revitalizing the iconic sport.

I had the lead design role which included creative concept, lockups, developing the design system, creating expressive typography and directing the motion design.
w/ SantosDilone / THRU
Creative Direction
Virgilio Santos / Manuel Dilone

David Rinman

Motion Direction
David Rinman

Photography Art Direction
Bruno Café
Andrea Adelman


THRU Studio
